Financial planning is personal

so your plan should be unique to you.

Without planning one could be left aiming at a moving target, or worse, no target at all. At Head Investment Partners, our planning process isn’t a one-time experience resulting in a 100-page bound report destined to collect dust in your file cabinet.

For some, planning is often a simple process of identifying current assets and goals a few years down the road. For others, a more comprehensive and involved program is needed. Ultimately, planning will provide us with an understanding of who you are, what you’re trying to achieve, and a deeper understanding of your investment personality and experience.

No matter where you are today, it all begins with a plan.

Planning is:

Identifying needs and goals

Setting expectations


Risk Management

Aligning your goals and your investment portfolios

Planning is not:

A one-time event

Just about returns

One size fits all

Planning may involve:

Key milestone events (weddings, college, retirement)


Philanthropic planning

Engaging an attorney

Planning should also include:

Comprehensive review of all current assets

Existing insurance coverage and potential gaps

Beneficiary designations and asset ownership/titling